Monday, August 4, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For

I'm here! The flight was great, clear skies and smooth sailing the whole way. I got through customs in record time and friend of a friend who has a car picked me up at the airport and she was really nice. I'll be having lunch with her tomorrow. My new temporary flat-mate Kosta the Bulgarian rower helped me carry my things up 8 flights of stairs ( yes this is why they call them walk-ups!). So my arrival yesterday couldn't have gone any smoother!

I'm currently being serenaded by the rowdie pub-goers two doors down... I suppose its a good thing the pubs here close at 11!

So not wanting to waste any time and wanting to test my theory on how exercise combats jet lag, I was up at 5:30 am UK time and cycling with Kosta to the rowing club to attend his strength training class at 7. After that a quick cycle home and breakfast, the cycle back and right out onto the Thames in a single!

OK let me just say this... rowing on the Thames SUCKS! No really it sucks big time! How does it suck? Let me count the ways...

1) You have to carry your boats from the boat house down a large flight of slippery, muddy, stone steps to the water where you wade into the water (this is why the Brit rowers wear Wellies!) and place your boat. No docks!

2) Oh my God the currents are wicked. I wasn't sure if I was rowing or white-water kayaking!

3) Tons of rowers EVERYWHERE!!! You can't swing a dead fish (which they have here too!) with out hitting another sculler.

4) Crazy tidal-way vs river rules for which side of the river and/or buoys you should be on. Row up on river right up to marker 15 and then cross over and then when you reach Richmond bridge cross back over again but only if the tide is going out. If the tide is coming in the rules change.

5) It is not the ARC!!!

OK having said all that, the people here have been warm and welcoming and very anxious to take me in and teach me the ropes. And truth be told it was a bit of a thrill to be rowing on the Thames in London even if it is highly overrated. ;-)

Tomorrow I'm sleeping in (having a lie in in Brit speak) and then meeting my new friend Bryony for lunch and finding a bank! Then Wednesday more rowing and finding my school! I'm excited to see the school and meet my new co-workers. I'd post pictures but my computer hasn't arrived yet and I'm currently using Kosta's and the prompts are all in Bulgarian! I will need to go apartment hunting at some point too! Yipe a lot to do but at lest I have my priorities straight and went rowing first! he he


zubeldia said...
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Alex said...

Oh wow, Jules... it sounds wonderful. How funny that I'm in the States that you're in old Blighty. You know, you should head to Cambridge and row in the Cam. It's a wonderful place.

I'm so glad you're into the swing of things.

love, Alex

Scary Poet said...

Hey Julie, so glad you had a safe trip to London-town. Sorry the Thames is apparently not the river of your dreams. Oh well, The Hudson will probably still be here when you return. Eight flights of stairs! Wow, you won't need all those other activities to stay in shape. Just leave and return to your walk-up a few times a day and you'll be OK. It's raining in the Catskills today-I think they are crying 'cause you went away.

Jules said...

Hey Alex!

Old Blighty! Now thats one I haven't heard before! I'm still sorting things out, need a bank and to find my school and have been trying to relax a little in between (it is supposed to be summer vacation I think). Can't tell if I'm jet lagged or just plain pooped.

I can't wait till my computer comes. Kosta has been nice letting me borrow his but I don't want to monopolize it so I'm sorry if I haven't been visiting as much lately. Hopefully it will arrive any day now!


Hey Mike,

Well if the Catskills are crying because they miss me than England is crying because they have to put up with me for the next 11 months!

Weather here is a bit schizophrenic, pouring one minute then sunny and warm the next. Seems to rain/drizzle for some part of every day. And yes, I'm at no loss for exercise, with no car and 8 flights of stairs, I'll be quite fit by the time I come home!

Love ya!

Kevin said...

Sounds like you need to invest in a good pair of's preferred of course....I think they even make them in ARC orange When you get a chance to row on the Thames at Henley it will always be one of those special rowing moments. Say hellow to my friends at Upper Thames Rowing Club!
Cheers, Kevin

Unknown said...

Hey Julie - glad to see you made across the big pond safely and that you wasted no time getting into the water with your new rowing club. Hope you get a few days to relax before teaching season begins. Stay safe.
