Monday, August 18, 2008

Her Majesties Revenue Service

Hello "Pond" fans! I'm here! And now finally so is my computer! It was being held hostage by HMRS also know as Her Majesties Revenue and Customs Service! They were holding it in lieu of my paying a 230 Pound VAT tax on it! Yep, that roughly translates into $460! Welcome to England! Apparently the Queen is a poor old thing and needs the help...couldn't she just hit up Paul McCartney for a few bucks? I mean he's loaded! Well after much explaining that this is my personal two year old used computer that I need for work I have been sent a four page form that I have to fill out and send in with all appropriate labels and in a months time I may get my money back. Ah Monarchies... aren't they a quaint idea?

Anyhow I just wanted to post a quick update and let you know that now that I have my computer I will be posting pics and video! My mission after sculling tomorrow morning is to get some photos and post them!

Oooh and fellow Windhamite Alex Jenko has a stopover in London Wednesday so I will be meeting him at the airport. It will be nice to see a fellow Yank... there are a few of us here and I have to say... the American accent has never sounded so good! ;-)

OK well more to come too but now its time for bed....yikes 12:20 am London time! I have to be up at 6 for the morning sculling session!

Be back soon!

Julie :-)

PS Jedi Master,
I've found my coffee shop couch! No loose springs though....I'll post a picture for you real soon... hope you are well.


Scary Poet said...

Wow! 460 quid! That's a hit to your wonga. You can check these words out at . I have been studying how to speak Brit so I will be able to talk to you when you get back. Can't wait to see some pictures.


Tifanie said...
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Tifanie said...

Hi wow i finally found the email with your blog in it.. Just sent you an email but i dont want you to feel homesick. And that is ridiculous $460 for a computer did they think u were smuggling drugs in your hard drive? wow thats bad