Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Omega And The Alpha

The end of one school year and the beginning of a year long adventure abroad!

Wow, I can't believe this is actually happening! I spent so much time applying, getting together papers, preparing the cats for travel, organizing my home for the move, preparing at school, I just can't believe it's almost here.

I also can't believe this is the end of my ninth year at Greenville. Gosh where did they all go? It seems I've just gotten my feet under me with this teaching thing and I'm off on yet another challenge. But that's life isn't it?

So the name of my school is St. Dominick's Sixth Form College. It's in a very nice area of London called Harrow on the Hill. Probably the only significant hill in London! Lucky me I'll get to keep my mountain biking skills sharp as I won't have a car.

Here is the website if you want to check them out!

I'll be teaching Biology and Human Biology to what would be the equivalent of our 12th and 13thth grade (If we had 13th graders). So it is kind of like our community college. The students will be very diverse as is the staff. They seem very nice and eager to interpret the language for me! I'm looking forward to learning some of the English phrases such as "pop it in my pigeon hole!" This apparently means "put it in my mail box." I'll also have to get acquainted with odd spellings like colour and realise (a lot of S's instead of Z's and C's).

Anyhow I leave August 3rd so I'll be posting little tidbits about preparations, Windham, cycling and rowing in the stay tuned! I'll try to update at least once a week.

Love and other sports,
Julie :-)


Scary Poet said...

Wow! How exciting! I wish I were going with you. I can't think of a better teacher to represent us Yanks. Proud to know ya Julie. Miss you already! Be sure you learn the difference between lorry and loo. And never ask for a nappy to wipe soup off your chin. If you feel ill be sure and go to hospital ("the" is not necessary in Great Britian).


Julie said...

Awe shucks!

Thanks Mike! I remember...the loo is where you poo but a lorry? Isn't that a cart or a truck? That would be an embarrassing mix up! He he Keep checking in! Things are a bit hectic right now as you can imagine but I promise I'll post some pics soon and of course the blog should pick up significantly once I get to London.
