Monday, July 21, 2008

Packing and Repacking

I've begun the monumental task of packing.  How did I manage to accumulate so much stuff in one tiny little apartment?  The good thing about a move like this is you tend to purge a lot of useless junk; the school papers from eight years ago, CD cases who's CD's have been long gone, and numerous other little bits and pieces that I've been saving for I don't know what.

The other nice thing is you get to reminisce with yourself.  As I packed and moved stuff out of my apartment I came across various mementos (even if they didn't start out as mementos they are now).  My book of concert tickets from concerts I've attended, backstage passes at the Grateful Dead and Woodstock reunion concerts.  Don't ask how I got those, that's a whole other story!  Sporting equipment from skiing to white-water kayaking.  All of my instruments and music, gifts from family and friends, books and kitchen stuff,  each object reminding me of some adventure or period in my life, it made me realize something.  So far it's been a life well lived.

So now that I am moved out of my apartment and living at my friends house for the next couple of weeks the second purging has begun.  I'm trying to travel as light as possible so the new rule is if I haven't used, worn or even seen it in the past year.... out!  It's very liberating.

In the realm of other news, I've been rowing with the Albany Rowing Center every M-W-F nights and have found a club in England right next to where I'll be staying!  The Putney Rowing Club, check it out!  They have a bar on the top floor of the boathouse!  How convenient!

Okay, well that's about it for now.  Back to repacking!

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