Kosta, who is a 27 year old Bulgarian national rowing champion and sports trainer and Bryony a British women's lightweight champion. Bryony will be picking me up at the airport... my friends who's flat it is tell me she wants to size me up to see if I would be a good steal for her rowing club. Apparently it is very competitive over there. There are tons of clubs along the Thames and each is trying to win the most titles so stealing rowers is not uncommon.
I think I would like to join with Putney however... not the biggest, nor most prestigious, but as the Albany Rowing Club once said "scrappy but good!" Although how scrappy can they be if they have a workout room, water tank for training and a BAR? Hello! From their website they seem a friendly bunch willing to take on people who are new to the sport like me so that sounds good.
Besides I'm sure I will have my hands full just finding my way around and learning the ropes at my new job so I doubt I will be winning any regattas right away. I'll post some pictures of rowing on the Thames and the rowing club as soon as I can. Monday if possible!